Minneapolis Professional Organizer Brings Simplicity and Joy To Your Home

Allison Muotka, Home Rituals Organizing

Welcome to Home Rituals Organizing! 

Hello, and a very warm welcome to Home Rituals Organizing! For this ASPO Organizer Spotlight, I would like to share why I chose Home Rituals Organizing as my company name and explain the meaning of my core business values of Mindfulness, Sustainability, Kindness, Simplicity and Joy. 

The reasons for the “Home” and “Organizing” parts of the name are likely self-evident; as a Certified Home Organizer®, I wanted to ensure my company name clearly communicates that I’m in the business of providing home organizing services.The “Rituals” term might be less self-explanatory. As I was planning and dreaming about how to transform my passion for organizing into an entrepreneurial reality, I kept returning to the idea of housekeeping and homemaking–of which home organizing is an essential component–as a vital rhythm of renewal. 


To enliven a house and make it a home–to create a happy, grounded, ordered, practical, inviting and personal retreat that protects and sustains us and our loved ones, we need to tend to our homes like we would a garden. A well-maintained home is like a healthy living being: it gracefully and cyclically lets in what it needs (food, people, air, water, decor, toiletries and clothes) and intentionally and carefully lets go of what no longer serves it (all those discards that go into the compost, recycling, donation and garbage bins). How well we manage our homes reflects how skillfully we care for ourselves and others; home-care and home organizing can enable a virtuous cycle of self-nourishment and nurturing of others. 

Mindfulness is the first step in cultivating life-affirming home rituals. With compassion, we accept the present state of our homes, material possessions, purchasing patterns, daily habits, work life, family life, social life, physical and emotional well-being and so on. An awareness and acknowledgment of reality is the first step toward positive change. When we cultivate greater attention, intentionality and presence, we open to the possibility of greater agency and action in line with our goals, needs and values, and in the case of our homes, less cluttered and more centering living spaces. 

Sustainability is the foundation for living a well-lived, well-paced life that supports our heart’s, mind’s and body’s needs while also respecting other humans and living beings. Being mindful about our consumption habits (while also giving ourselves and others grace), can shift us out of autopilot and enable us to rethink what living well means: how big a home do we need, 

how much stuff do we need, how hard is our stuff is to clean and maintain, where do we buy our stuff, how well does our home support our basic needs and our big dreams, how would it look and feel to live more closely aligned with nature. The idea is to know your enough, to be grateful for what you have while also being curious about what you’d like to change, to practice untangling wants versus needs and to be open to envisioning and creating a more people- and planet-friendly life. 

Kindness underpins every aspect of my business. Empathy toward myself, my clients, and the environment is essential for organizing homes in useful, unique, beautiful, easy-to-maintain and sustainable ways. Flexibility, growth, compassion and prioritizing progress over perfection are keys to effective home organization, and Home Rituals Organizing is a safe, judgment-free partner to help you with your home organizing projects.

Simplicity is an often overlooked but important aspect of home organization. Our modern, hyper-capitalistic society nudges us directly and subtly to buy so many things that promise to make our days more convenient and less stressful while in reality just adding to our overburdened and overwhelmed to-do lists, while often costing a lot too. Successful home organizing doesn’t sacrifice simplicity for greater external status, mindless consumption or over-working; it innately fosters calmer, slower, more easeful and more rewarding living. 

Joy also inherently accompanies the home organizing process. Yes, it’s hard physical labor that can bring up difficult emotions, but there’s also a deep sense of catharsis and revitalization that arises when we let go of material possessions and home systems that are broken, unused, unloved and invite into ourselves, our homes and our lives a newfound sense of greater empowerment, purpose, spaciousness, clarity, connection, well-being and joy. 

Thank you for taking the time and energy to read my thoughts. I hope you found this blog post informative and enjoyable and that you reach out with any of your home organizing needs!


Here is a recent project I completed for a client.


Before: Hall Closet


After: Hall Closet


You can reach Allison at :


Email: homeritualsorganizing@gmail.com


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